How To Workout During Your First Steroid Cycle

How To Workout During Your First Steroid Cycle

How To Workout During Your First Steroid Cycle -

Read on for a beginners guide on how to workout during your steroid cycle.

Sure, anabolic steroids do stir up your muscle development but this doesn’t mean you should be a slacker when it comes to working out. The truth is, you should be working twice as hard when taking them! Anabolic steroids can rapidly repair your muscles and add a significant amount of strength to your body. This is why highly intensive workouts are ideal for maximising the results of anabolic steroids. Below are some pointers to remember for your training program.

Type of training: Hypertrophy (shorter rest periods between sets, 3 to 4 sets per exercise 5 to 6 different exercises per muscle group)

Duration: 60 to 90 minutes

5 to 6 day training program 1 or 2 muscle groups per session.

Rep range between 8 and 15

Pyramid sets up and down

Don’t be afraid to throw in super sets and drop sets to help increase intensity and shock the muscle.

Below is detailed example of a week training programme including reps, sets and workouts:

Monday- Chest and Triceps


Exercise 1- Incline Dumbbell bench press | SETS: 4|  REPS: 8- 14

Exercise 2- Cable fly pull | SETS: 3|    REPS: 8-12

Exercise 3- Flat bench bar | SETS: 3|   REPS: 8-12

Exercise 4- Pec deck fly | SETS: 4|    REPS: 8-12

Exercise 5- Dips | SETS: 4|   REPS: 8-14


Exercise 1 – Rope Pushdowns | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-10.

Exercise 2- Angled-Bar Pushdowns | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-10.

Exercise 3- Two-Arm Dumbbell Extensions | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-10.

Exercise 4 – Machine Dips | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-10.

Exercise 5 – One-Arm Pushdowns | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-10.


Tuesday- Back and Biceps


Exercise 1- Non assisted/ assisted pull ups | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8- 14

Exercise 2- Lat pull down | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8-12

Exercise 3- Overhand bar rows | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-12

Exercise 4-  One arm dumbbell row  | SETS: 3  |REPS: 8-12

Exercise 5- T bar row | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-12

Exercise 6-  Deadlifts | SETS: 3|  REPS: 8-12


Exercise 1- Standing bar curls | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-12

Exercise 2-  Seated Dumbbell curls | SETS: 3| REPS: 8-12

Exercise 3- One arm seated hammer curls  | SETS: 3 | REPS: 8-12

Exercise 4- Standing cable rope curls | SETS: 4 | REPS: 8-14


Wednesday: Rest day


Thursday- Shoulders


Workout 1- Dumbbell side dealt raises | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8- 14

Workout 2- Bar shoulder press  | SETS: 4 |  REPS:8-14

Workout 3- front dumbbell raises  |SETS: 3| REPS: 8-12

Workout 4- Rope face pulls  | SETS: 3| REPS: 8-12

Workout 5- rear dealt cable pulls  | SETS: 4 | REPS: 8-14


Friday- Legs


Workout 1- Smith machine Squat | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8- 14

Workout 2- Leg press | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8- 14

Workout 3- Leg extensions | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8- 14

Workout 4- Lying hamstring curl | SETS: 3| REPS: 8-12

Workout 5- Standing barbell lunges | SETS: 3| REPS: 8-12

Workout 6- stiff legged dumbbell deadlift | SETS: 3| REPS: 8-12


Saturday- Traps,  calves and forearms


Workout 1- Barbell shrugs | SETS: 3| REPS: 8-12

Workout 2- Rope face pulls | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8- 14

Workout 3- Bar face pulls  | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8- 14

Workout 4- Pec deck rear pull  | SETS: 4 |  REPS: 8- 14

Workout 5- Dumbbell shrugs  | SETS: 3| REPS: 8-12


Workout 1- Standing calf raises | SETS: 4| REPS: 8-14

Workout 2- Donkey machine calf raise  | SETS: 4| REPS: 8-14

Workout 3- seated calf raises  | SETS: 4| REPS: 8-14


Workout 1-  Barbell wrist curls  | SETS: 4| REPS: 8-14

Workout 2- Barbell reverse wrist curl  | SETS: 4| REPS: 8-14

Workout 3 – Dumbbell farmers work | SETS: 4| REPS: 8-14


Sunday- Rest day


Please note that the above is merely a generic basic example of a high volume, hypertrophy training programme designed by our Prestige Pharma team. We understand and would like to make clear that this exact programme may not be applicable to you. You may desire to change your rest days or the choice of workouts around. Good luck with your training and your steroid cycle.

Please visit this link if you need a tutorial on how to prepare for your first steroid cycle

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